The development of the computer had begun with the development of the world. In the ancient time people used to counting the stones.Then the first counting device Abacus was found.Then the decelopment of computer flourised.In the earlier time the computer were very huge and expensive.It occupied a whole room and were very bulky.But with the rise of different scientist and mathematician sklowly the computers became advanced .Now the computers are more advanced and fast too.And the results are in front of us.Now the world is advanced in technology and the world is incomplete without computer. Around fifth century one of the hindu philosopher developed a method of counting 0 to 9 which is called decimal method of counting.In mid 1940's the first electronic digital computers were manufactired.
1)Abacus : History of the computer began the development of abacus.It was the first countig machine.In the earlier time people used it for countig purposes only. Abacus came into exsitence betwen 2000 to 5000 years ago and it had its origin in ancient China,Egypt and Greece .This machine was divided in two parts.The first part is heaven and the another is earth.Abacus could add ,multiply and subtract.
2) Napier's Bone:Napier's Bone was invented by John Napier in 1614 AD.Nappiers was a scottish mathematician .Napiers Bone can perform multiplication ,division and addition.
3)Slide Rule: In 1620 ,William Outgred invented the slide rule .Slide Rule is a calculating device that uses the principles of logarithm .
4)Pascaline:In 1642 ,Blaise Pascal a french mathematician devised the first true calculating machine .He invented Pascaline to help his father who was a tax controller.Rascaline could add and subtract easily by movement of wheels.In late 1960s' professor Nikalus Writh developed a new computer programming language and was named as Pascaline.
5)Leibniz Stepped Recknor:A German mathematician Gottfried Von Leibniz invented a calculting machine which could perform multiplication and division .Leibniz machine could multiply ,divide and find square roots.
6)Analytical Engine;Charles Babbage ,the father of computer science invented Analytical Engine.Babbage had a concept of using biniary digits (Bits)in this machine.Analytical Engine is a general purpose automatic calculator.But Charles Babbage couldnot get sucess in his Analytical Engine due to his economic condition and mechanical difficulties.However the engine couldnot get succeded but the concept used in this engine was still in the modern computer.His concept is still in used due to this he is known as the father of computer science.This engine could operate 50 decimal number and have high storage capacity.
7)Holleirth's Tabulating Machine: Dr. Herman Hollerith was a census statician at the US in 1880 in census bureau.Hollerith proposed a mechanised solution to the problem which was based on punched card .Tabulating machine is also called as Electromechanical Punced card .He invented Tabulating Machine for the census data calculation in 1890s.
8)Electromechanical Computer:In 1937 AD.Professor Howard Aiken invented an automatic calculating machine with the punched card technique. The first electrical binary programmable Computer is Z1 which was inveted Konard Zuse in 1938 AD.Konard Zuse was a German Enginner and later on he invented Z2,Z3,Z4 an d so on with the latest technology. The first electronic computer came into the existence is ENIAC which was invented by J.P.Ekret and John Mauchly.This computer was very hugeand occupied 18000 sq. feet .This computer used nearly 18000 vaccum tubes.It was the first digital computer. EDSAC was the first electrical stored program computer which was invented in 1949 and this computer could ran the grphical computer game also. Mark I was invented by Havard Professor Howard Aiken .The Mark I was huge and take large time for data processing .Mark I helped for the US force in the war.This computer help to store data and find information of the enemy in the war.Similarly Professor Howard Aiken invented MarkII and many other electrical Digital Computer.
1)Abacus : History of the computer began the development of abacus.It was the first countig machine.In the earlier time people used it for countig purposes only. Abacus came into exsitence betwen 2000 to 5000 years ago and it had its origin in ancient China,Egypt and Greece .This machine was divided in two parts.The first part is heaven and the another is earth.Abacus could add ,multiply and subtract.
2) Napier's Bone:Napier's Bone was invented by John Napier in 1614 AD.Nappiers was a scottish mathematician .Napiers Bone can perform multiplication ,division and addition.
3)Slide Rule: In 1620 ,William Outgred invented the slide rule .Slide Rule is a calculating device that uses the principles of logarithm .
4)Pascaline:In 1642 ,Blaise Pascal a french mathematician devised the first true calculating machine .He invented Pascaline to help his father who was a tax controller.Rascaline could add and subtract easily by movement of wheels.In late 1960s' professor Nikalus Writh developed a new computer programming language and was named as Pascaline.
5)Leibniz Stepped Recknor:A German mathematician Gottfried Von Leibniz invented a calculting machine which could perform multiplication and division .Leibniz machine could multiply ,divide and find square roots.
6)Analytical Engine;Charles Babbage ,the father of computer science invented Analytical Engine.Babbage had a concept of using biniary digits (Bits)in this machine.Analytical Engine is a general purpose automatic calculator.But Charles Babbage couldnot get sucess in his Analytical Engine due to his economic condition and mechanical difficulties.However the engine couldnot get succeded but the concept used in this engine was still in the modern computer.His concept is still in used due to this he is known as the father of computer science.This engine could operate 50 decimal number and have high storage capacity.
7)Holleirth's Tabulating Machine: Dr. Herman Hollerith was a census statician at the US in 1880 in census bureau.Hollerith proposed a mechanised solution to the problem which was based on punched card .Tabulating machine is also called as Electromechanical Punced card .He invented Tabulating Machine for the census data calculation in 1890s.
8)Electromechanical Computer:In 1937 AD.Professor Howard Aiken invented an automatic calculating machine with the punched card technique. The first electrical binary programmable Computer is Z1 which was inveted Konard Zuse in 1938 AD.Konard Zuse was a German Enginner and later on he invented Z2,Z3,Z4 an d so on with the latest technology. The first electronic computer came into the existence is ENIAC which was invented by J.P.Ekret and John Mauchly.This computer was very hugeand occupied 18000 sq. feet .This computer used nearly 18000 vaccum tubes.It was the first digital computer. EDSAC was the first electrical stored program computer which was invented in 1949 and this computer could ran the grphical computer game also. Mark I was invented by Havard Professor Howard Aiken .The Mark I was huge and take large time for data processing .Mark I helped for the US force in the war.This computer help to store data and find information of the enemy in the war.Similarly Professor Howard Aiken invented MarkII and many other electrical Digital Computer.
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