Programming Language are clasified as:
- Machine Level Language:Its a machine oriented language that a computer can understand.Its made up a series of 0 or 1 and a sequence of bits.It is very tedious , time consuming and troublesome to write program in this language.Program,codes or statement can be loaded directly into the computer memory.
- Asembly Language:Its a low level language which was introduced to overcome the some of the difficulties of the machine level language.It permits the use of mnemonics (alpha numeric codes).Computer doesnot understand mnemonics language,program written on assembly language are translated into machine level language before execution.This translation is done by assembler.The program written on assembly language is called source case.Program after translating into machine code is called object code.
- High Level Language:It is a language in which instruction are closer to the english language and mathematical notation .This language is very easy to modify and maintain.Program written on this language are also classified according to whether they solve the general problem or specific problem.
- Procedual Oriented Language
- Program Oriented Language
- Natural Oriented Language
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